Non-U.S. Citizen Pilot Training


That’s OK, but there are some extra steps you are going to need to take BEFORE you begin your pilot’s training. We are forbidden by law to give even one introductory flight to non-citizens until they are approved for training through the TSA. Once you’re set up, however, you’re good to go.

A Foreign National’s Pilot Training starts with filling out the online application with the TSA Alien Flight Student Program website.

Once you submit this form, it will come to North Coast Air, Inc. for approval (ideally we already know you’ve applied and will therefore approve you immediately). Once we have confirmed your application, you will receive approval from the TSA to submit fingerprints. Finally, after a risk assessment you will be approved to begin training. Click here For Frequently Asked Questions.

Yes, it is complicated. YES! We can help you! Precision is key, and we know it’s a lot of paperwork, but we’ve had practice. Call ahead and plan a visit to North Coast Air, Inc. and we’ll help you get set up, step by step.

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